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A Few Thoughts

A few thoughts now and again about whatever occurs to me while going through whatever books I end up reading

Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America

Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America - Matt Taibbi I really enjoyed this book. It was terrifying and depressing and eye-opening. A relatively short read that's packed with content, it's worth your time. He does a fantastic job of explaining some very complicated things through the use of metaphors and analogies that get you pretty close to understanding what all went on. He's hard on the perpetrators, but what else would you expect?

I noted, with some surprise, that amidst all the references and analogies Taibbi pulls off in this book, the one he missed was Hymun Roth's speech from Godfather 2. He was talking about Cuba, but you can imagine it coming out of any Goldman Sachs executive's mouth in reference to America. "We finally have what we've always wanted: a government of our own." And that's mostly what it is now. Welcome to the United States of America, property of Goldman Sachs, subject to the whims and desires of their executives.

There are still political parties, but they aren't Republican and Democrat anymore. In this world, you can either be a member of the Goldman Party or the Sachs Party, but the outcome is mostly the same. Heads they win, tails you lose.