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A Few Thoughts

A few thoughts now and again about whatever occurs to me while going through whatever books I end up reading

Strong Enough? : Thoughts from Thirty Years of Barbell Training

Strong Enough? : Thoughts from Thirty Years of Barbell Training - Mark Rippetoe Being the author of several classics in the training industry, Rippetoe is entitled to talk a little about his opinions. This is where he gets to let off some steam about all the silly Bosu Balls and Miracle Fat Loss Pills as well as share a few insights into what it means, in his estimation, to be human and to truly thrive.

The format allows more of his personality (read: funny) to come through than some of his more technical work and that makes reading it a pure joy. If you're a fan of Ripp, read it. If you're not, this one might just convert you.